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anjali tajave
japanese translation services,japanese language jobs,english japanese translation,Japanese to marathi & hindi translation &Vice-versa. Japanese to English & English to Japanese Interpretation. etc. Japanese Translation Services,Eng Interpretation (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Bill Gray
I have had many years practical experience as a computer user, so new challenges are welcomed. There is always a solution. Through having a range of jobs in Norway in the area of language, I have a broad network which may be used when translating more challenging material. Translation Services - Norwegian to English (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Satinder Shergill
BA Linguistics & Music T.E.F.L Language Teaching Certificate (SOAS) School of Oriental & African studies (University of London) Language 123 Apex Translation services. Conversation Piece Ltd. Freelance Translation from Punjabi & Hindi to English and visa-versa [04/06/03 – present day] Translation jobs have included: Work on government translations (HMP Rye hill, Dover port immigration / detention center), Legal translation work and also subtitles for an NHS advert shown on the Internet (Glocal media, Covent Garden), Translation Services (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Thomas McElwaine
2005-6 Local government Castilla-La Mancha: Social inclusion plan (Spanish-English). Belgian thesis in sociology of religion translated (French-English). Private correspondance translated. Proofread Sciarrino, S. 2005. 'Translating Italy'. Rome: Aracne. Written in English by Italian author. Excellent knowledge different varieties of Spanish & Portuguese through having lived & travelled in several Latin American countires, notably 6 months in Colombia and 9 months in Peru. Lived for over 2 years in France, variety of jobs including English teacher, sports club receptionist, seasonal agricultural worker. Summer 2001 & 2002 In-house translation and correspondence in Kenilworth, an adhesive label-printing company - dealt with French and Spanish clients. I have also taught Spanish and French in secondary school and English as a Foreign Language in private language schools 2005: Masters in Translation Studies, Dublin City University. 2002: B.A. Spanish (with Portuguese) and French, Trinity College Dublin. Double First with Distinctions in Spoken Languages. 1999-2000: Erasmus Exchange Year in University of Coimbra, Portugal. Translation Services (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Yuko Spiller
Completed the Medical Translationg Course at Babel University in Japan Achieved excellence of the Nonfiction Course at Babel Instutute of Cross Cultural communicarion in Japan Completed the Advanced level of English Instruction at Lado International College Japan Tokyo School Graduated from Niigata Women's College (English Literature), Japan Translation Services and Japanese Language jobs (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Martin Arndt
Since 2004, I have worked freelance I translate and interpret from English to German German to English Russian to German German to Russian. Simultaneous interpretation for English - German and German - English only! My mother tongue is German (so-called A-level language). English is my second language (so-called B-level language). Russian is my third language (so-called C-level language). I have done numerous conferences and other interpretation jobs on the freedom of the press, automotive industry, cable industry, alternative energy etc. I have had numerous translation jobs, I worked for Jacaranda Recruitment, Financial Times Deutschland, different translation agencies and direct clients. Proof reading experience Certified Translations CAT-Tool 'Across' (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Maria Itati Encinas
Most recent jobs: Technical Translation (ISO 9001) of 49,000 words. Human Resources Translation - SAP 37,000 words. Cooperation Agreement between football clubs and transfer contract of a professional football player. Food Industry: Translations for PepsiCo: Certificates, documents, presentations. Beauty Industry: Translations for Wella: quaterly and annual reports, correspondence. Sports Industry: Translations for Boca Juniors: Transfer contracts, Tournament Regulations, Documents, Appeals, Presentations Finances: Translations for PricewaterhouseCoopers (Reports, letters); BBVA Banco Frances (reports, presentations); Citibank Games: Translations for Ankah Toys: games Birth certificates, Death certificates, marriage certificates, school certificates. Checks, IOUs. Court decisions, rulings, claims. Advertising. Manuals, booklets. Software, equipment. Medicine: Translations of relevant reports to be included in foreign magazines. English to Spanish Translations Spanish to English Translations Certified Translator Public Translator Sworn Translator (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Marta Bel
Available to work under pressure. Perfectionist, highly organized and flexible. Good team member but confident to work without supervision. Highly motivated by translation jobs either from Spanish or Catalan to English or vice versa. Fluent in Spanish/Catalan with excellent comprehension of the languages (both native). Fluent in English with excellent ability to analyse and understand the language. Able to translate not literally but adapting expressions in order to maintain the meaning of the original text. Able to produce brief and concise summaries and translations. Meticulous proof-reader. Notorious ability to skim and scan identifying key points and able to point them in a report. My personal interests and hobbies include learning languages, reading, going to the cinema, visit art exhibitions, go to the gym, rambling, cycling and skating. Translation Services (Click here to see this translator's profile)

Michael Wang
16 years of hands-on experience in translation from English to Chinese or vice versa since 1991. I am especially good at legal and financial translations, although my experience covers the translation of legal, financial, medical, IT, computer, engineering, manufacturing, insurance, etc. Few Chinese translators including many translation agencies are NOT able to produce a quality job on legal translations as they don't have the proper resources in terms of bilingual and interdisciplinary talents, that is, someone who is good at English does not have a legal background, and those who have a legal background, such as lawyers, ofte
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